Mike Lindell Advice to Drug Addiction: You Need JESUS

Watch this video to see My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell giving valuable advices on fighting drug addiction. You don’t want to miss out

Mike Lindell, My Pillow CEO: “LindellRecoveryNetwork.org and what that is it’s just like when my friend Dick came to me back in 2008, when I was down and out right, but we were equal. I call it a hope match. Who am I going to listen to more other than someone that’s been there. Then I asked him, ‘is that boring is that relationship with Jesus boring‘, and he said, ‘no man it ain’t boring. Anyway if you go to LindellRecoveryNetwork.org; you go there and you’re going to see all these match. You’ll put in your age, and your addiction, and it just puts in there so you can relate and then it opens up. It’s the best online help you’ll ever have. It’s also a directional thing that’s going to get you the right help. I’ve spent two years vetting the best help in this country, which by the way is all faith-based treatment centers: your teen challenge, your salvation union, stuff like that. You know secular centers, you’re just spending your wheels, you’re wasting your time.  You need Jesus

