The Truth About College Degrees

There are so many individuals out there telling people that going to college is not a privilege for just somebody, it is for everyone.  These speeches are then usually followed by a round of applause from the audiences.  While I can’t really disagree with such a politically correct statement, the truth to it is actually very questionable.

Yes to some people, going to college is like a dream comes true.  This is built upon the understanding that going to college equates getting well educated which in turn will land you a good job and career. While this may be true to some individuals, it may not be the case for the vast majority.  While they are the ones making promises, the reality is that you are going to end up paying for it yourself.  They will probably make it easier for you to get a student loan, come up with policies to make it seem like they are doing you a favor.  At the end of the day after you earn your degree, you are back to where you were except now you are tens of thousands dollars in debt, still cannot find a good enough job.  The only benefit for doing this is that maybe you met your spouse in school, so that instead of just you, now both of you are getting crippled by this student debt in your newly married life.

Some people may think, “Ok, you are sour grapes, you are most likely a college dropout”.  In fact that is actually the exactly opposite.  I have a PhD degree in one of the hardest physical science subjects out there and I have been in R&D for several Fortune 200 company across different industries, so I believe I know a nothing or two about degrees.  I have been fortunate enough to be able to find a good job after my decade long education, but I still felt quite betrayed because 99.9% percentage of things that I learned in school, I don’t even use at my work.  I spent a decade of the best years of my life learning things I know I will probably not be using them again.  I heard some people say school gives you nothing but a brain exercise.  Well, that is one hell of a long and expensive brain exercise.

Ok, let’s be fair.  Many professionals including doctors and lawyers need to be in school for a long time as it takes time to develop the skills and attributes needed for their respective fields.  Yes and we all should respect that.  But I am sure if you ask many of the younger doctors out there, you will find that most of them have acquired student loan to fund their medical school years, an amount after compounding with interest can grow to be as large as the cost of a 3000+ square foot single family home.  And this is all before they even see their first patient. While some may argue this is an investment, others may feel that they are being ripped off on their path to attaining their goal.  Some even think this is simply the price to pay to become a doctor only to see the tuition goes up year after year.

Okay I am not arguing against going to college or getting any higher education.  If you can afford and know exactly why you are doing it, by all means go for it, but you should never do something just because everyone else is doing it.  You should also think twice before busting yourself for something only because it is valuable in the world’s standard.  After all, we are all very unique and special in God’s eyes regardless how you were labeled by the institutions in this world.  God is a creative being and that is why He really values creativity and often rewards those who are willing to be different from the rest of the world.  Most importantly, God has an unique calling for each and every one of us and it is important for us to find out what it is. 

This is why Bible says:

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  Romans 12:2

Do you know what is God’s calling for you and your life?

